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My Pregnancy with Kaliah


Updated: Jan 26, 2020

Being only 17 when I found out I was first pregnant I was scared out of my mind. "Was I going to be a good enough mum?", "what do I tell my parents?" and "how am I going to do this?" questions and thoughts that were racing through my brain. It wasn't as if it was an accident though because I am old enough and I knew exactly what I was doing, but it didn't mean that I wasn't fearful of the many changes heading my way.

I never regretted becoming pregnant because I have always wanted to be a mum. I have 9 siblings and being the second oldest I was quite prepared for motherhood due to my experience. I knew how to change a diaper, I knew how to give a baby a bath and I was fully prepared to take on any new challenges in order to raise a happy and healthy baby. If anything I was more scared for the teenage years to come.

I consider myself lucky as I never once fell ill with morning sickness nor did I have any other big issues throughout my pregnancy. All I can say is that I had my fair share of late nights tossing and turning trying to get comfy in bed and my many million trips to the bathroom at 11 pm, 2 am, 4 am and pretty much every second hour after that.

I tried to embrace every change that came with being pregnant. Not one bit did I hate the process. If anything all I could think about was the beautiful bond that I get to share with my daughter and that once these months were up we would never share that bond again. At times it made me sad to think of this but I was also excited for her to finally arrive and to hold her in my arms. My mind often bounced back and forth between these two thoughts.

During my first trimester I would say I was very VERY hormonal. It often led to arguments about the stupidest things and me going from crying about nothing, then crying more because I thought I was a complete sook for not knowing why I was crying, to laughing about it and pretty much back around again.

My second trimester got better as I busied myself with work and study. During this time Anthony was also working so time seemed to pass us by much faster. We had our gender reveal where both Anthony and I knew in our hearts you were going to be a girl.

By the time the third trimester came around I was really looking like I was ready to have my baby girl. I spent most of my time surfing the internet trying to find ways to induce myself because both your father and I were just more than excited to welcome you into our lives. But absolutely nothing worked, and trust me we tried a lot (spicy food, pineapple, swiss ball bouncing, daily walks etc).

Overall my pregnancy was filled with many emotions that accompany these joyful yet nerve-racking times. Both Anthony and I believe that everything happens for a reason and welcoming our gorgeous baby Kaliah Elizabeth Maxwell into our big loving family was one of those many things.


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